Hello Dream Chaser Friends,
What an exciting week it has been for me and my little home based business! Just a few short weeks ago I was telling my niece that business was really slow. Other than a few gift baskets this summer, fall has been relatively quite, even with my new featured theme shipping boxes.
My niece responded that she felt things were going to get better for me and for her new business too, she felt things were going to really improve for us. The next morning she pulled a beautiful "Poised" Tarot card for us and told me, look at this card I pulled for us. I told you that you and I are Poised for something great to happen really soon Aunty. It's time for our businesses to take off and get busy. I smiled and said, I sure hope so hun!
And then it happened last week, I received a message on my website that a potential customer wanted to have a phone discussion about the possibility of placing a large gift box order. Oh wow, my stomach leaped with excitement. I didn't know how big of an order but when I heard Corporate order, wow, I know it was going to be a good size order. This new opportunity is exactly what my little home based business needs this year.
I have had so much fun shopping for such a large client and helping to select some wonderful products and merchandise for their staff gift. I'm extremely excited to tell you that I received confirmation for this very large Corporate Christmas Gift Box Order of 520 gift boxes!! I said 520 gift boxes!! 🤩🤩 Can you imaging how excited I am about this order!! 😊😊
I've started ordering in all of the products and merchandise I need to make up these wonderful Christmas giftboxes. Soon my house is going to be so full of 520 x 6 items plus gift boxes, lol. My evenings and weekends are going to be so busy making up these wonderful gift boxes and making them look really special for their staff to receive and enjoy. I have a bit of time but, 520 gift boxes are not made over night. I will be so, so, busy until I deliver these in December. Look at me, I am pretty happy and so excited for this business opportunity !💖💝 I sure hope the staff enjoy their Christmas gifts!
Until next time, be happy and stay safe! Michelle💗
